Authors' Guidelines:

Two categories of papers will be accepted: Teacher-Researchers Works, and Student Works

1. Teacher-Researchers Works

  • Research Papers.
  • Experience Reports.

1.1. Research Papers

Submitted papers should be a finished or consolidated research on R+D, on one of the conference topics Papers should not exceed 12 pages.
Submitted papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. Therefore, they must not contain authors' names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authors' identity. This information will be solicited included in the final version, if the paper is accepted.
Contributions must be original, not having been previously published nor being under review by any other national or international conference or journal.
They must be submitted in PDF format, according to the guidelines given by IEEE in: IEEE Format Template.
The official language of the conference is Spanish, however papers in English or Portuguese are also welcomed.
Submissions will be accepted in the form of:

  1. Full papers: They must be presented during the conference. Time for presentation and discussion will be allotted. Papers will be published in the conference annals.

  2. Posters: These contributions will be exhibited during the conference. The size of posters must be A1 (594 mm x 841 mm) with vertical orientation. A session for the exhibition and oral presentation of the posters will be scheduled by the conference organization. Papers in this category will be published as a short-paper in the conference annals.

1.2. Experience Reports:

For experience reports we are inviting practitioners to present at the national level, works presented at international conferences in the area. Authors should submit an abstract of no more than one page of research articles, including in it a reference that details where it has been published (name of the congress / conference / workshop, link work complete if any, place and date of publication).

2. Student Papers

Student paper submissions will be accepted in the form of:

  1. Graduation works: These contributions should not exceed 10 pages.

  2. Undergraduated student works: These papers should not exceed 8 pages. Course´s name and level of the course should be indicated.Categories are sub-divided into two:

    1. From 1st to 3rd Grade.
    2. From 4th to 6th Grade.

  3. Research Working extra-cathedra Students: These papers should not exceed 8 pages. It should clearly indicate the context in which research takes place.

Submitted papers will be subjected to a two pears blind review process. Therefore, they must not contain authors' names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authors' identity. This information will be solicited if the paper is accepted and included in the final version.
Submitted contributions must be original. They must have been developed as part of the student’s academic activities.
Submissions must be in PDF format, according to the guidelines given in: FormatoPapers.doc.
The official language of the conference is Spanish, however papers in English and Portuguese are also welcomed.
Each accepted contribution will be exhibited as a poster during the conference. Posters must have a vertical orientation in A1 size.
The three best papers in each category will be selected to be presented during the conference.

CoNaIISI 2014 - UNSL

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Croquis UNSL
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Microcine UNSL
Bloque 2 1° Piso
Bloque 2 1º Piso


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PBX Ext.: 2101; 2128; 2129

Postal Address: Ejército de los Andes 950. D5700HHW, San Luis, Argentina.

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UNSL Departamento de Informática